Statistic Notes - Bootstrap

Bootstrapped datasets / Bootstrapping steps

Posted by Xuan on December 8, 2022

What is the bootstrapping for?

  • A way to generated simulated datasets, randomly selection data and allowing for duplicates. (Sampling with replacement)
  • A resampling method to estimate parametersinstead of repeating experiment many times for a reasonable distribution.
    • data are non-normal
    • unknown statistical properties (e.g. PCA )
    • lack a standard calculation

bootstrapping steps

Application Scenario: only a single sample is available

preparaion: an exist/raw dataset

Step1: make a bootstrapped dataset (randomly select the same number of data from the existing dataset)

Step2: calculate statistics(e.g. mean)

Step3: keep track of the calculated statistics

Step4: repeat step1-3 a bunch of times

bootstrapping procedura can maintains data structure but reshuffles values; can sample each value multiple times, or not at all

bootstrapping steps


Using bootstrapping