Xuan's Blog

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.

Generative AI with Large Language Models

Coursera - week2 Fine-tuning LLMs

Week 1 - Fine-tuning LLMs with instruction In contrast to pre-training, where you train the LLM via self-supervised learning, Fine-tuning is a supervised learning process where you used a data set...

Generative AI with Large Language Models

Coursera - Deeplearning.AI

Week 1 - Introduction to LLMs and the generative AI project life cycle Basic definition prompt: the input of the model -> the test that you pass into the model context window: the space/m...

Painting Learning progress

Thanks to my art teacher - Amy Mao

Journey to learn paint the first try! My favorite flower - sunflowers the second class! My dream place for retired life the third class! Wonderful autumn the Fourth class! S...

Statistic Notes - Bootstrap

Bootstrapped datasets / Bootstrapping steps

What is the bootstrapping for? A way to generated simulated datasets, randomly selection data and allowing for duplicates. (Sampling with replacement) A resampling method to estimate paramete...



Shell中字符串拼接 1.直接‘’组合字符串 a='files''.fasta' echo $a a='hi' b=$a'.bed' echo $b 2.变量拼接 str1='hello' str2='world' str3=$str1$str2 echo $str3 str1='hello' str2='world' str3="$str1, $str2 !" echo $st...

Scala beginner


How do you start scala study where to coding? databricks sign up a databricks community account run on a cluster create a scala notebook basic grammar do no...

CNN学习笔记-Learning Notes

Network architecture & Function & How dose it work?

git remote set-url origin https://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@github.com/XuanrZhang/XuanrZhang.github.io.git CNN: 实际上是一个不断提取特征 –> 进行特征选择 –> 进行分类的过程 CNN主要由3钟模块构成: 卷积层,...



Latex 使用 Tips 审稿阶段 1.改动标红 高亮 \sethlcolor{red} \hl{需要标红的文字} 字体红色 \usepackage{color} \textcolor{red}{需要标红的文字} 2.显示行号 \usepackage{lineno} \linenumbers 论文准备阶段 制作表格 ...

miRNA sequence analysis

calculate entrophy, top rank miRNA, co-express change

miRNA analysis script Here are scripts for miRNA analysis Calculate unique read 1.Total Unique read calculate unique read account from fastq file ------ file process.sh. ------- #only ...

Download SRA fastq Data

how to get raw sequence datasets in batches

How to download fastq data? Here are three ways for fastq files download use SRAtool Kit to download .sra files and then convert to .fastq files use SRA selector to get accession li...