Xuan's Blog

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.

Online Course - Data Structure

William Fiset from Google

Online course - Data structure Data structure - William Fiset from google Related resources videos slides Updated_codes java_codes C++tutorail Learning Notes 03. Introduction to Big-...

Advanced Programming in the Unix environment

improve shell skills

Online course - CS631 CS631 - Advanced Programming in the Unix environment Related resources videos slides (psd: gsg0) codes Learning Notes 1.Unix OS design Q: differenceS between sys...

Install and use ffmpeg in Linux

A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video

FFmpeg : A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video How to install ffmpeg Use homebrew to install ffmpeg If you don’t install homebrew, you might can u...



@三妮儿sunny的7天摄影课程笔记 摄影基础知识、光线的运用、常用构图方法、色彩、培养审美、后期修图 曝光三要素 Day1 曝光说白了就是照片的明暗程度,照片太亮就是曝光过度,反之亦然。 光圈 光圈在相机里用f表示,像窗帘一样控制着相机的进光量,同时也影响着景深和背景虚化的程度。 数值小,光圈大,背景虚;数值大,光圈小,背景实; 快门 快门在相机里用“1/数...

PaperSharing - A review of Data Structures in Genomics

2019 Annual Reviews

Title: Sketching and Subliner Data Structures in Genomics Content The aim of design data structures : represents a way of sketching sequence collections, either with or without error, using s...

PaperSharing - Minimizer, a representative of a set of kmers

2004 Bioinformatics

Title: Reducting storage requirements for biological sequence comparision Content 1.Motivation? compute read overlap when do sequence comparision (including nucleic acid / protein / etc.), t...

PaperSharing - A genome-guided transcriptome assembly method "TransBorrow"

2020 Genome Research

Title: TransBorrow: genome-guided transcriptome assembly by borrowing assemblies from different assemblers Author: 山东大学(威海)柳军涛课题组和沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST)高欣教授课题组 Question “map subpaths to ...

PaperSharing - A Error correction tool "CARE" (Content-Aware)

2020 Bioinformatics

Title: CARE: Content-Aware Sequencing Read Error Correction a alignment-based method using minhash : for efficient similarity search GPU acceleration (handle human genome in only 4 hour...

读 - 《把时间当作朋友》


以下是阅读作者李笑来《把时间当作朋友》一书时的摘抄整理,看原作可移步作者github阅读。 前言 “承认了吧,你对时间的流逝无能为力。” 要管理的不是时间,而是自己。改变自己,就意味着属于自己的那个版本的世界将会随之而变,其中也包括时间的属性。开启自己的心智,让自己能够用最可能准确的方式思考、观察、记录、总结、分享和行动,那么自己的时间就会拥有不同的质量,进而整个生活都必然因此焕然一新。...

读 - 《人人都能用英语》


以下是阅读作者李笑来《人人都能用英语》一书时的摘抄整理,看原作可移步作者github阅读。 Chapter0 1.在运行程序之前,要反复浏览代码,在脑子里进行预演;而不是写完程序直接运行,出错了再说。这是节省时间提高效率的重要方式。 2.真正理解概率统计常识的人,是绝对不会去买彩票的 …… 因为买彩票这种行为在他们眼里相当于不尊重自己的智商和已学过的知识。 啥统计学知识?...