Xuan's Blog

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.


Shell中简单for循环的几种形式 1.变量 ${sample} for sample in name1 name2 name3 do ${sample}.input > result_${sample}.output done 2.遍历数值数组 array=(15 16 17 18 13) array=(1 2 3 4 5) for i in $(seq 0 5); do...

‘Batch Effect Correction of RNA-seq Data through Sample Distance Matrix Adjustment’

Paper sharing

Paper sharing scBatch: Batch Effect Correction of RNA-seq Data through Sample Distance Matrix Adjustment papar info: 2020; published in Bioinformatics Novelty unfinish not seq error correc...

综述k-mer counting方法

A review of k-mer counting methods

A benchmark study of k-mer counting methods for high-throughput sequencing – a review paper Catagories of k-mer counting methods Using the sorting approach sorting all k-mers extr...


Databases related to miRNA research

Basic Info of miRNA pri-miRNA:长度从几百到几千个碱基不等,带有 5‘帽子和 3’polyA 尾巴,以及 1 到数个发 夹径环结构。 pre-miRNA:pri-miRNA 在核酸酶 Drosha 和其辅助因子 Pasha 的作用下被处理成 70 个核 苷酸组成的前体。 mature miRNA:pre-miRNA 经进一步经过 DICER 酶剪切,形成长...


How to use git in Linux Command

How to use git in Linux Command Aim:a more convenient way to revise and synchronise git repositories. Install Git use command: git clone https://github.com/git/git use command to check git vers...


FastQC & adapter_cut_tools (cutadapt,Trimmomatic)

How to preprocess miRNA-seq with FastQC and cutadapt Aim: conduct research on miRNA Data: SRR5233942 .fastq directly from EBI Please refer to SRA fastq Data Download FastQC tool To test fastq f...